A King’s Oath; The Unending Battle

Dear Conquerors of the Cire Origins Empire,

In the grand theater of empire-building, the crown is not merely a symbol of authority; it is a testament to the unending war that a king must wage to defend, maintain, and prosper his dominion. This letter is an exploration of the profound truth that, in order to safeguard and advance a kingdom, a ruler must continually embrace greater purpose. It discerns the stark difference between those who merely aspire to greatness and a sovereign who, by divine right, is fueled by the ever-increasing expectations of expansion.

The Unceasing Struggle for Dominion:

A king is at constant war, not only against external adversaries but the very entropy that threatens the vitality of his empire. The battle for dominion is unceasing, requiring vigilant guardianship and strategic mastery to navigate the cosmic currents that seek to erode the foundations of sovereignty.

The Quest for Greater Purpose:

Maintaining and prospering a kingdom necessitates the continual adoption of greater purpose. A ruler cannot afford complacency, for stagnation is the harbinger of decline. The pursuit of greater purpose serves as the impetus for innovation, strategic evolution, and the fortification of the empire against the vicissitudes of time.

The Wannabe’s Illusion of High Caliber:

In contrast to the ruler of divine right, the average wannabe may harbor illusions of high caliber but craves escape from the pressures of performance. Such aspirations are but fleeting echoes, dissipating in the face of the ruler’s unyielding commitment. A true sovereign, driven by divine right, thrives on the pressures, viewing them not as burdens but as catalysts for expansion and achievement.

Fueled by Increased Expectations:

The ruler of divine right is not burdened by the weight of expectations; rather, he is fueled by them. Each expectation becomes a call to arms, a summons to elevate the empire to new heights. The pressure to expand is not viewed as a hindrance but as a divine charge to fulfill the cosmic destiny of the Cire Origins Empire.

As we stand at the forefront of cosmic conquest, let us internalize the essence of divine right, recognizing that the mantle of rulership demands a relentless commitment to the unending battle for empire. May our pursuit of greater purpose be the guiding force that propels us to triumph over challenges and illuminates the path to cosmic dominance.

In the unwavering quest for empire,

Eon Cire
Master of the Cire Origins Empire